
Friday, July 25, 2014

Opinion: Sex is not practiced in heaven. No. Never

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Nevertheless, I will not shy away from doing the work of an evangelist: sex is for married couples, not unmarried couples. Pre-marital or extra-marital sex is not in line with GOD’s plan. 

Sex is sweet. Very sweet. As a matter of fact, the kind of pleasure one derives from sex (especially at the climax) is incomparable with any other kind of pleasure; I have felt it and scientists and psychologists say so too.
Now, my last assertion – that I have experienced the pleasure of sex – may disappoint my Christian friends reading this, but I would have you know that was in my past life; I have since embraced celibacy and decided to wait till marriage. If this explanation doesn’t still placate you, then ignore the first paragraph. Jesus has forgiven his boy; please live with it. The last time I checked, I wasn’t born a Christian, more especially a born-again Christian; and so weren’t you or anyone for that matter.
That said, I have wondered for a long time why some people choose the life of celibacy over that of marital companionship and all the intrigues (and love-making) that comes with it. I have tried to grasp the logic behind staying away from sex in the name of wanting to please GOD. And while I admire Apostle Paul and all the Catholic priests who have chosen this kind of existence, I must say it beats me and seems too much for a mortal like me. I have concluded that I simply do not have the anointing to rein in my desires for life. No. Never. I must hit the honey pot.
To me, sex is beautiful. Sex is GOD’s gift to man. Aside being the medium to fulfilling GOD’s will – procreation and continuity-, it is also a concept conceived by divinity solely for men. And I have tried for some time to understand why GOD would create something like sex for man. I believe GOD could have found another way for man to procreate and multiply; it doesn’t have to be through sex or anything that gives as much pleasure. Procreation does not have to be pleasurable. Therefore, I concluded that sex is actually GOD’s gift to man. It is an unequalled benevolence and provision for man’s need and desire for pleasure. It takes a truly loving and compassionate GOD to pay so much attention to such a minute detail in the life of man because apparently, there’s more to man than sex.
So if I believe all these, how then is sex not divine? I have read in the Holy Bible that a man’s body belongs to his wife and a woman’s body belongs to her husband. She has no control over her body or right to deny her husband her body whenever he wants it (I offer no apology to the feminists, they are not my words). The same goes for husbands. However, the only reason (that I want to mention here) a man and his wife can both deny themselves of their bodies or sex in plainer terms is when they have both agreed to abstain in observance of a spiritual exercise. Now, the question is what is wrong with sex during the period of a mutual spiritual exercise? Why can’t the husband and his wife make love during fast? Now, some would tell me it is to deny ourselves and focus entirely on GOD during that period. I agree, and that’s why I think sex is really not divine. It is a mere carnal exercise designed by divinity for man. Aside procreation and maybe some not-so-known reasons, sex is carnal, typical of human beings and has no divine replication whatsoever. Sex is not practiced in heaven. No. Never.
I have heard that adherents to Islamic tenets are promised virgins in heaven. I barely know anything about Islam and would therefore not speak out of ignorance. I also do not know what the virgins are for; neither do I know if the virgins would be given to men only and what will be the lot of the women. I will consult my Muslim friends to enlighten me on these. But I have read the Bible and there’s no mention of such therein. And that seems to support my own thinking that there is no sex in heaven. Sex is an entirely human matter and only practiced on earth. Hence, my submission that sex is not divine.
As if to support my claim, human beings seem to have exercised absolute control over the concept of sex and how and when it is practiced. Sex was originally designed by GOD solely for married couples: practicing sex outside marriage is fornication, having sex with a woman other than your wife is adultery, making love to someone of the same sex is homosexuality, with its variant being lesbianism and gay practice. The Bible even says those who do these ‘have been given to a reprobate mind to do things which are not convenient.’ It is also said that those who practice same sex ‘have abandoned the natural use of women (and men) and burn in their desires for themselves.’
In addition, Man has evolved different forms and styles of sex; anal sex (or sodomy), oral sex (blow job for example), and all kinds of sex positions. These modifications to sexual intercourse are borne out of man’s assumption of absolute control over sex and propagated through pornography and other sexually explicit contents across different media platforms. Man has also invented a number of words to describe sex, you know them. Indeed, sex may have been designed by GOD, but it belongs to man.
Nevertheless, I will not shy away from doing the work of an evangelist: sex is for married couples, not unmarried couples. Pre-marital or extra-marital sex is not in line with GOD’s plan. It is a deliberate and consequential attempt to undermine GOD’s will and purpose. So, rein in your desires, zip up and wait. If you cannot wait, marry! But it won’t take long before you realize the folly in getting married because of sex.
Sex is not divine, but it has the hand of divinity in it (forgive my Yoruba way of saying that). So practice it in a way that pleases GOD. I rest my case (or pen I should say).

Op-ed pieces and contributions are the opinions of the writers only and do not represent the opinions of

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